About Our

Admission policy:

1) Admission Requirements
In order to ensure that each applicant has a reasonable opportunity of success in this demanding
professional program, the College has endeavored to establish a set of enrolment criteria that will
provide a suitable measure of the applicant’s compatibility with the level of education to be provided.
All applicants should also fully review the “Application Process” procedures separately set out by the

1.1 Entrance Requirements
To be eligible for admissions into our program, applications must provide documentation of successful
completion of all of the following:
• Have completed a Secondary School Diploma grade 12 or equivalent or greater.
• Including two senior level (grade 11+) science and/ or physical education credits with a mark of 65% or
• Academic Documents: translated and notarized transcripts from high school (secondary school) and
higher education institute (if applicable)
• Official IELTS/ TOEFL results or English grade 12 credit from a Canadian Secondary school (if applicable)
• Mature Student applicants must be at least 18 years of age and pass a Superintendent approved
qualifying test in English and provide Official IELTS/TOEFL results of a grade 12 equivalency
• Courses must be approved by the College Admissions Officer. (see 1.2)
• A brief written assignment to accompany enrollment application
• Copy of Passport, Picture and address pages. Note: Health and Beauty Canadian College will NOT,
under any circumstances, retain or withhold a student’s passport or visa documentation.

1.2 Language of Instruction
The language instruction at Health and Beauty Canadian College is English. Students must be proficient
in all areas of the English language including speaking, reading and writing. Student from areas were
English is not the language of instruction are required to provide evidence of English proficiency.
Satisfactory achievement equivalent to Grade 12 of a Canadian Secondary School on the Foreign
Language (TOEFL / IELTS) is acceptable. Students must also achieve a pass (70%) on the Vocabulary and
Reading Comprehension Test. (see above) Student can also pass 50 percent of wonderlic test.

1.3 Mature Students
Mature Student applicants must be at least 19 years of age and pass a Superintendent approved
qualifying test in English and provide Official IELTS/TOEFL results of a grade 12 equivalency and has
passed a qualifying entrance examination including satisfying the English requirements above. A brief

written assignment to accompany enrollment application including an essay written in English describing
their suitability for the Esthetics program and a resume written in English. Additionally, the mature
applicant must provide a Copy of Passport, Picture and address pages. Note: Health and Beauty
Canadian College will NOT, under any circumstances, retain or withhold a student’s passport or visa

2.0 Student Records
All student records are confidential. This includes admission documentation, class attendance,
examination evaluations, marks and transcripts. You must make a written request in order to have the
information in your student file released to a third party.
Student evaluations Reports are provided at mid point, week 14 of the program, and again after
completion of the program after week 28.

2.1 Graduation
To obtain a graduation diploma in the Esthetics program each student’s is required to fulfill all course
requirements as set out in the following policies;
• Obtain a course mark of at least 70% in all subjects.
• Obtain an average of at least 70% in the Practical Skills exam.
• Satisfy School requirements of professional and ethical behavior as set out below.
• To have paid all fees and account balances.
In order to obtain a PASS mark in each course, students are required to fulfill all course requirements as
set out by the Instructor at the start of the term. These include, but are not necessarily limited to:
a) Obtaining an average mark for the course of at least 70%. Average course marks will be based on a
weighted average, as prescribed by the instructor at the outset of each course, of tests, quizzes,
attendance and, the final examination.
i. Obtaining an average of at least 70% in the Practical Skills Examination.
ii. Satisfying attendance requirements as set out in Paragraph 4.0 below.
b) Supplement Examinations
Any student, who is unsuccessful in obtaining a passing average in a course, may write a Supplemental
Examination in that course. A student who obtains a passing mark on a Supplemental Examination will
receive a PASS mark of 70% regardless of the examination mark. A student who has not been successful
in completing a course after writing the Supplemental Examination for the subject may be required to:
i. Re-take course the next time it is offered; or
ii. Take remediation classes and re write the examination.
Each case will be considered individually and a decision will be made by the Education Director at Health
and Beauty Canadian College.

2.2 Academic Requirements
Final Comprehensive Examination
a) A student who writes such a Supplemental Examination will receive only a “PASS” or “FAIL” mark,
regardless of the examination mark. A PASS mark will be recorded as 70% on the Transcript. A student
who has not been successful in completing a course after writing the Supplemental Examination for the
subject may require to:
i) re-take the course the next time it is offered; or
ii) take remediation classes and re-write the examination
Each case will be considered individually and a decision will be made by the Education Director at Health
and Beauty Canadian College.
2.3 Requirements to Pass each Course
In order to obtain a PASS mark in each course, students are required to fulfill all course requirements as
set out by the Instructor at the start of the term. These include, but are not necessarily limited to:
a) Obtaining an average mark for the course of at least 70%. Average course marks will be based on a
weighted average, as prescribed by the instructor at the outset of each course, of tests, quizzes,
attendance and, the final examination.
b) Completing and submitting all Assignments, Projects and Presentation, which are set out as, course
c) Satisfying attendance requirements if they are set out for any particular course in the Course Outline
& Requirements, which are distributed at the commencement of each course.
d) Obtaining an average of at least 70% in the Oral-Practical Examinations.
e) Satisfying attendance requirements as set out in Paragraph 4.0 below.
f) Compliance with any and all other individual policies as may exist for any individual course or subject
or component thereof (e.g. Clinical practical).
g) Supplement Examinations
Any student, who is unsuccessful in obtaining a passing average in a course, may write a Supplemental
Examination in that course, (see Paragraph 7.0). If a student is unsuccessful in obtaining a passing
average in the Oral Practical section of a Clinical Education course, he/she may perform a Supplemental
Oral Practice exam (see Paragraph 7.0) A student who obtains a passing mark on a Supplemental
Examination will receive a PASS mark of 70% regardless of the examination mark. A student who has not
been successful in completing a course after writing the Supplemental Examination for the subject may
be required to:
i. Re-take course the next time it is offered; or
ii. Take remediation classes and re write the examination.
iii. Each case will be considered individually and a decision will be made by the Education Director at

In pursuit of high academic standards, Health and beauty Canadian College expects scrupulous honesty
from all students. Honesty is the hallmark of all regulated professions and cheating is not tolerated.
3.1 Honesty in examinations
Students will comply with the requirements set out by the Exam Proctor.
a) During a written examination, students are allowed to have only their writing instruments on the desk
(pen, pencils, highlighters, etc.) No student –provided paper, blank or otherwise, is allowed in the
examination room. If paper is required it will be supplied in the examination room by the school. All
textbooks, binders, notes papers, electronic devices (including cell phones and pagers) and other
material must be left in their backpacks or school bags and set in a designated area.
b) Students must sit where assigned by the Exam Proctor and will move to a new location if requested
by the Proctor.
c) Any student who does not comply with the instructions of the Proctor will be instructed to leave the
examination room and their examination will be scored with a final mark of “zero”. The Education
Director acting on the recommendations of the proctor may also hand out further disciplinary action,
including expulsion from the school.
d) Any student who is suspected of dishonest behavior during an examination will be instructed to leave
the room and their examination will be scored with a final mark of “zero”. The Education Director acting
on the recommendations of the Proctor may also hand out further disciplinary action, including
expulsion from the school.
e) Students who have completed writing a test or exam must hand the test in to the Proctor and leave
the room. Before leaving the room they must also hand in any notepaper, leftover paper or other
materials that were provided to them by the school for the purposes of the examination.
f) Students cannot take the exam, any part of the exam or any other examination materials whatsoever
out of the examination room, and are not to copy any of the questions from the examination.
g) If a student completes an examination and dishonest behavior is suspected, the completed
examination will the be scored as a final mark of “zero”
h) Other disciplinary action may be taken at the discretion of the Education Director, including expulsion
from the school.
i) From the point at which the examination starts until it finishes, students will only be allowed to leave
the examination room by permission from the Proctor. Permission will be granted only for legitimate
reasons (medical, bathroom etc.). Determination of what a legitimate reason is will be at the sole
discretion of the Proctor. In all such cases where a student is granted permission to leave the
examination room they must be accompanied by a staff member of the school as arranged by the
Proctor. Any student who leaves the room without permission or escort will not be allowed back into
the examination room until the examination is over.

3.2 Honesty in Assignments and Projects

Plagiarism of any written work is considered in the same category as dishonesty in an examination. Any
student who has copied the work of another student, in whole or in part, will be subject to the same
consequence as a student who is dishonest during an examination. If two students submit a written
assignment or project that is the same or very similar, and if there is no admission by either student or it
is not clear which student is the originator of the material, then both students will be subject to
consequences at the discretion of the Education Director. It is equally dishonest and unacceptable to
knowingly allow your work to be copied, as it is to copy the work of another student. Plagiarism of
published textbooks and other copyrighted materials, including but not limited to materials obtained
from the Internet, is not only dishonest but it is also illegal.
Any student, whose written assignments are very close or similar to such protected materials, will be
liable for consequences at the discretion of the Education Committee, which may include immediate
expulsion or suspension.

In order for students to reach their potential and the level of competence required we believe it is
important that they attend all classes:

4.1 Excused Absences
If students are absent due to illness, or any other emergency, we require that they submit a physician’s
note or other documentation acceptable to the school to verify their reason for absence. This note must
be submitted to the Teacher within two days of the student’s return to school after the absence. Upon
receipt of this document, the absence will be recorded as an “excused absence”. The time of absence
prescribed on the physician’s note must be consistent with the period of absences and must specify that
the student was under the care of the prescribing physician during the full period of absence.

4.2 Prolonged Excused Absence
If a student is absent from school for more than one-third of the scheduled classes in any given semester
or three or more consecutive classes of the same subject, then it is a concern that this student will not
have a good enough understanding of the subject material. Therefore, even though such situations
might otherwise be regarded as an “Excused Absence” on the basis of medical evidence, the Educational
Director will review the student’s attendance record and the students may have to repeat the
subject/semester, or be required to undergo remediation in the subject. All such decisions are at the
absolute discretion of the Education Director.

4.3 Unexcused Absences
If a student is absent from class and cannot support their absence with documentation acceptable to
the school, then that absence will be recorded as an “unexcused absence”. Students are allowed only
two unexcused absences in each subject in a semester. Each half-day session missed is considered one

4.4 Lateness

If a student arrives at the classroom more than 15 minutes after the regularly scheduled start time for
any class or more than 5 minutes after a regularly scheduled break then this will be recorded as an
“unexcused absence” in that subject. In all cases, including expulsion form a class, where a student
leaves a class early (either before any break of before the regularly scheduled termination time of the
class) then this will be recorded as an “unexcused absence” in that subject. Students are solely
responsible for notifying the instructor in advance of any class they know they will be late for or from
which they will need to leave any class they know they will be late for or from which they will need to
leave early. In the case where extenuating circumstances acceptable to the instructor are presented
then an “Incident Report” from must be completed and signed by the instructor
and the student, given details of the extenuating circumstance. Such case will be regarded as and
“excused absence”.
All cases of lateness that fall within the grace periods provided herein will still be noted in the student’s
file and the students will be charged with one-half (1/2) of an “unexcused absence”. In this absolute
discretion, the Education Director may call for a full review of any student’s attendance record and may
assess “unexcused absences” and/or “excused absences” scattered across a number of subjects even
though they have not reached the maximum allowed absences in any one particular subject.

4.5 Eligibility to Write Final Examinations
Students who have more than two unexcused absences in a subject in a semester will not be eligible to
write the Final Examination in that subject. Similarly, the Education Director may determine a student
whose situation is described in 4.2 above is also not eligible to write the Final Examination in any
particular subject(s).

4.6 Supplement Examination
Students who are not eligible to write the Final Examination in a subject due to excessive absence, as set
out in paragraph 4.5, will be eligible to write the Supplemental Examination in that subject as well as a
Supplementary Oral Practical examinations If the Examination is written successfully, the student will
receive a PASS mark of 70% regardless of their examination mark.

All examinations, whether course examinations, comprehensive examinations, remediation
examinations or any other type of examination conducted by the College will be held at a time and place
and shall be of such duration as specified by the school at the time of the examinations but it retains
absolute discretion to specify and regulate all of the circumstances, terms and conditions prevailing over
any examination it conducts.

If a student will be absent form school due to illness or emergency on the day of the test, examination
or oral-practical examination, the student must notify the Teacher by phone prior to the examination
time, and must produce a documented excuse within 48 hours upon returning to school.

6.1 Writing the Missed Examination

The student must arrange to write the missed examination test, or
oral-practical examination within two days of returning to school.
If advanced notice and documentation are not given as required, a final mark of zero will be recorded
for the missed examination.

Any student, who has not been successful in obtaining a passing mark in a subject after having written
the Final Examination in the subject, provided that they have obtained a final mark of at least 60%, will
be eligible to write a “Supplemental Examination”.

7.1 Supplemental Examinations – The school will schedule the Supplemental examinations within two
weeks after the Final Examination and will post the dates of the Supplemental Examinations by email. It
is up to each student to check their email and be aware of:
a) Which subject(s) they have to re-write.
b) The date and time of the examination.

7.2 The Supplemental Examination must be written on the date and at the time scheduled. If a student
does not show up to write the exam at the scheduled time, a mark of zero will be recorded as the final
7.3 If a student is unable to attend the Supplement Examination because of illness, the college must be
notified 24 hours prior to the examination time, and acceptable documentation for the absence must be
submitted on the day the student returns to school.
7.4 The supplemental examination will then be rescheduled within two days of the student’s return to
school and no further rescheduling will be permitted. If for any reason the student is unable to write
such rescheduled supplemental examination then the student will be required to repeat the course
again at a cost to student of the regular prevailing cost for that course at the time the school next has
that course available for enrolment.
7.5 Any student who fails a course because he/she has not, for any reason, written the Final
Examination, will write the Supplemental Examination and will not be entitled to any further
examinations in that subject. Any student failing a supplementary examination in any course or subject
will be required to repeat the course again at a cost to the student of the regular prevailing cost for that
course or subject at the time the school makes such course or subject available.

As Esthetics is a “hands-on” skill, it is necessary to actively practice these skills in the classroom. To
encourage practice of these skills, there will be a mark for “Participation/ Practice” in some subjects. The
weighting of practice marks will be determined by and set out by the Instructor of the college at the
beginning of the course.
To obtain marks for participation/ practice, students must be observed to practice the hands-on
assignment specified by the Instructor of that lesson.

Students, under the direction of the Instructor, must participate as the “esthetician” by performing the
specified task(s) and also as the “client” by allowing another student to practice as the “esthetician”.
Student should be aware that “participation” is not the same as “attendance”. They must also be aware
that “participation” is not optional. If a student is present in class but does not practice as both the
esthetician and the client when instructed to do so by the Instructor, then he/she will not receive a
participation mark for that lesson. Repetitive refusal to “participate” may lead to further disciplinary
action including expulsion from the course.
A student, who is present in class but is not able to participate as either the esthetician or the client,
may be excused from participating only if he or she has an illness or injury on that day that is observable
by the instructor, or that is documented by a medical note. The student will be expected to participate
in whatever way they can, depending on the severity or limitations of the illness or injury.
8.1 Participation in Oral Practical Examinations – In order to prepare effectively for these examinations
Students are required to participate as both Esthetician and Client. A student who refuses to participate
in an Oral Practical examination as a client, will receive a failing mark on his/her own Oral Practical

exam. Any student, who is disruptive while performing as a client in an exam, either by being unco-
operative, by giving answers to the student being tested, or by inappropriate behavior of any kind, will

have marks deducted from his/her own examination at the discretion of the examiner(s).