

About Course


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) technology in cosmetic medicine is a relatively new yet
effective cutting-edge treatment that uses the plasma in the patient’s own blood to
treat certain skin conditions, as well as for hair regrowth. A popular, in-demand
treatment is PRP microneedling, which consumers have commonly referred to as the
‘Vampire Facial’ following celebrity publicity.
More recently, Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) has emerged as a more advanced version of
PRP for skin rejuvenation purposes. It has been touted as superior to PRP with a higher
level of healing factors for better clinical results.
In this course, you will learn all about PRP and PRF, and the various methods in which it
can be used. You will be familiar with how to prepare PRP and PRF in your practice, and
injection techniques to achieve effective results for the skin and scalp while minimising