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Student Complaints Procedure

Health and Beauty Canadian College is committed to the reach an equitable resolution on conflict issues to the satisfaction of both the student and the College.

The Student Concern Resolution Process is designed to provide students with informal and formal processes whereby a student may request the review and resolution of a concern if satisfactory resolution has not been reached by way of the daily problem-solving activities between staff and/or  instructors and students, which, in most cases, result in immediate resolution.

Full-time and part-time students, including online students, who are currently enrolled in a course or program at health and beauty Canadian College, and former students who were enrolled in a course or program when the alleged incident(s), giving rise to the complaint, occurred.

The student always has the right to present his/her case and be accompanied by an individual of his/ her choice during the process; and also has the right to have that individual make the oral presentation on his or her behalf.

These are the steps to resolve any issues a student may have.
– Students are encouraged to work out any concerns with their instructor.
– If the issue cannot be resolved with the instructor, the student can express their concern to their Campus manager. The student should address their concern verbally and detail the concern in writing to the Campus manager through the website indicating:
– the nature of the concern
– time and date of occurrence
– facts surrounding the concern
– the individual(s) involved
– recommended solution

The Campus manager will arrange to meet with the student within two to three business days of the date of submission.

A meeting between the student and the Campus manager will be held at a mutual agreed upon time.

If a satisfactory resolution is achieved during the meeting, the resolution plan is implemented, and the Campus manager will follow up to ensure that the resolution plan satisfactorily resolves the student concern. The resolution plan and the outcome will be documented, and the original Student concern Submission will be included with the document. Both the student and the Campus manager will sign the form. A copy of the original Student Concern will be given to the student. A copy of the form will be retained in the campus complaint binder.

If no satisfactory resolution is obvious or achieved, the student may escalate the concern to the Director at the corporate office.

The Corporate Director will respond (in writing) to the student within five to seven working days of the date of the letter outlining the concerns.

The Corporate designate will report to the student, in writing, within five to seven days of the complaint submission and provide a summary of the findings and the complaint resolution decision including the reasons for arriving at the decision.
A copy of the written communication between the Corporate Director and the student will be placed in the College’s Student Complaint Binder, where it will be kept for a minimum period of three (4) years.
Complaints made through any social media forum will not be acknowledged, as they do not follow the College’s complaint process.

If the student still feels the concern has not been resolved, he/ she may direct a written complaint to the Superintendent of Ontario career colleges using the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities student complaint form found on their website to:
A guide for creating a student user account is available at the following
URL: http://www.tcu.gov.on.ca/pepg/audiences/pcc/paris-enrolment-guide-for-new-users.pdf
Log in or register | PARIS: Program Approval & Registration Information System (gov.on.ca)


Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
77 Wellesley Street West, Box 977
Toronto, ON M7A 1N3

1. Health and Beauty Canadian College places a strong emphasis on providing its students with high
quality academic experiences and services, and continuously improving those experiences and
services. An essential part of that commitment is receiving and responding to the concerns and complaints of
students and doing so in a timely and constructive manner.

2. Students have the right to raise their concerns and to expect a timely response from the College.

3. Complaints about the academic experience, services or other students raised by students shall be
addressed in a way which respects the rights of all parties and which leads to the timely resolution of the disputes. The College maintains their right to fact find or investigate in a sensitive and thoughtful
manner following a student complaint; such a process in no way implies an outcome or predetermination of any wrongdoing or error prior to the conclusion of the process.

4. All employees of the College who deal with a complaint shall respect the student’s right to confidentiality. Similarly, the rights of a person who is the subject of a complaint, including their right 3 to confidentiality, will be respected. Note that confidentiality is not synonymous with anonymity. A
complaint must be made within thirty (30) days of the incident(s) giving rise to the complaint except in extenuating circumstances which, in the opinion of the College, would justify an extension.

5. Where a complaint is against an individual, it is the right of the student to seek an informal
through the various levels of supervision in the department involved.

6. Where a number of students in the same class of the program have the same concern,
the matter should be raised at Program director before proceeding with a formal complaint.

7. A group of students may delegate one or more of its members to voice a complaint on its behalf. However, no one shall initiate a complaint on behalf of another person or persons without the written permission of the person(s). The decision whether to hear from other members of the group or to deal only with the delegate rests with the administrator(s) to whom the complaint is addressed. For a formal complaint, permission to initiate a complaint on behalf of another person or persons must
be in writing.

8. The College has a number of policies dealing with specific types of complaints. These are listed at the end of this policy. If students are unsure under which policy they should launch a complaint or if they require help to initiate the process, they can consult with any one of the following: program director; manager; Director, Student Support Services.

9. Complaints can be addressed using an informal and/or a formal procedure. Students are encouraged to try to resolve their complaint informally before proceeding with the formal complaint procedure.

1. Step 1 – Informal Complaint Procedure
1.1 Set up meeting with employee, or their manager to review complaint (Responsibility of student).
1.2 At meeting, state complaint clearly, preferably in writing. If complaint is put in writing, retain a copy
(Responsibility of student).
1.3 Listen to the concerns of the students and seek clarification, if needed (Responsibility of employee).
1.4 Explore ways to resolve the concerns. Either party may request either a facilitated discussion (with a Manager or Dean) or mediation to be used as part of the informal complaint resolution process

(Responsibility of student and employee).
1.5 Agree on a way to resolve the concerns and create a written records of the solution for reference and for action/distribution as appropriate (Responsibility of student and employee).

1.6 If unable to resolve the issue, proceed to Step 2 (Responsibility of student).

. Step 2 – Formal Complaint Resolution

2.1 If unable or unwilling to approach the employee, or if concerns have not been resolved during Step 1 with the employees or their immediate manager as described in Section 1 above, meet with the appropriate administrator (Responsibility of student).

2.2 At the meeting, present a signed written complaint to the administrator providing the following information: (Responsibility of student)
• Description of the complaint, including time and date of events
• Employees involved
• Names of witnesses, if any
• Action taken to date
• Solution sought

2.3 Hear the student(s)’s complaints and ask points of clarification (Responsibility of academic manager or director).

2.4 Within five to ten (5-10) working days of meeting with the student(s), investigate the merits of the complaint, which can include a detailed, in-depth discussion with the employee or the student(s), and any other investigation method deemed appropriate by the administrator (Responsibility of academic manager or director).

2.5 Give the employee the opportunity to respond in writing to the specific concerns raised by the student(s) within five (5) working days (Responsibility of employee).

2.6 If the complaint has merit, work out a resolution with the employee and advise the student(s) in writing (Responsibility of academic manager or director).

2.7 If necessary, bring the employee and students together to discuss the situation, clarify the complaint, and develop a strategy to resolve the complaint (Responsibility of academic manager or director).

2.8 If the complaint lacks merit (e.g. if student(s) actions have led to the consequences which are the subject of the complaint, or cannot identify a specific area of concern), inform the student(s) in writing and provide reasons why no further action will be taken (Responsibility of academic manager or director).

3. Appeal of Decision

3.1 Within ten (10) working days of receiving the decision of the administrator, if the student believes the complaint has not been dealt with fairly, the decision is unfair, or if a written response has not been received from the administrator, appeal the decision in writing to the next level of management within that area (e.g. Dean or Director).

Request for an appeal will be granted on limited grounds, namely:

A. That there has been a clear failure of due process in consideration of the complaint, which the complainant can define and provide evidence.

B. That the decision of Step 2 was not reasonable and in accordance with the facts of the case;

C. New material evidence, which the complainant could not reasonably have provided earlier, and which may be sufficient to alter a decision; or facts that were not known to the administrator(s) at the time of making their decision due to extenuating circumstances. In these cases the Senior Administrator is obliged to consider the validity and admissibility of the new information/facts. In the event that new information is being relied upon by the complainant, the Senior Administrator shall specifically explain in their decision why or why not they have accepted or rejected all or some of the new information.

The complainant should set out their concerns clearly and succinctly and provide evidence in support, where possible. The complainant must also explain how the response received at Step 2 falls within one of the grounds set above in paragraph 3.1 and outline the remedy sought (Responsibility of student).

3.2 Review all documents provided at Step 2 (Formal Complaint Resolution, meet with appropriate persons knowledgeable about the complaint, and make inquiries as needed (Responsibility of academic manager or Dean of school ).

3.3 Decide if the complaint has merit and on the manner in which the complaint is to be resolved.

3.4 Inform the student(s) of the decision within ten (10) working days of receiving the appeal and indicate that the matter is now closed (Responsibility of academic manager or Dean of school).

Step 1 Guidance Notes:
A. Either a verbal or written complaint can be resolved through the Step 1 resolution process. B. Where an employee is the subject of a complaint students are encouraged to approach the employee directly. If this is not appropriate, students are encouraged to approach the line manager of the employee that is the subject of their complaint. C. A student can be accompanied by a peer, Class Representative, or a member of the college Students’ Association, during the Step 1 complaint resolution phase. D. An employee can be accompanied by a Union representative during the Step 1 complaint resolution phase. E. Depending on the nature of the complaint, it may not be possible for the employee/administrator/manager to preserve a student’s anonymity; in these instances, every effort will be made to maintain the student’s confidentiality, while disclosing the necessary information on a need to know basis.

Step 2 Guidance Notes:
A. Students are expected to submit complaints, within the timeline(s) and procedures indicated in this policy. However, they may expect the College to exercise its discretion to extend the timelines where there is good reason, supported by evidence, when a student has not been able to submit a complaint within the timeline. Under certain circumstances, depending on the complexity of the complaint, it may be necessary for the College to amend the timelines and
procedures. All such amendments will be available to the College without recourse by the student(s) or employee(s), provided they do not cause prejudice to the parties and continue to result in a fair process.

B. A student can be accompanied by a peer, Class Representative, or a member of the college Students’ Association, during the Step 2 complaint resolution phase.

C. An employee can be accompanied by a Union representative during the Step 2 complaint resolution phase.

D. Depending on the nature of the complaint, it may not be possible for the employee/administrator/manager to preserve a student’s anonymity; in these instances, every effort will be made to maintain the student’s confidentiality, while disclosing the necessary information on a need to know basis.

E. Following investigation or fact-finding, the lack of a factual basis for a complaint will not be considered evidence that a complaint was frivolous or vexatious. Any retaliation by employees because a student engaged in the student complaints process is unacceptable and will be addressed appropriately.

F. While a student will not be disadvantaged as a result of making a complaint, the College may consider referring the matter to the Student Conduct Board or the designated Head of Department should there be reasonable/compelling evidence that a student complaint was frivolous, malicious or brought in bad faith.

G. A complaint will be deemed vexatious or frivolous if it is:

i. obsessive, harassing, or repetitive;
ii. insistent on pursuing non-meritorious complaints and/or unrealistic, unreasonable outcomes;
iii. insistent on pursuing what may be meritorious complaints in an unreasonable manner;

iv. designed to cause disruption or annoyance; and/or v. demanding for redress which lacks any serious purpose or value In such cases, the College will write to the student explaining why it is terminating consideration of the complaint. If the student wants to challenge this decision, they must set out their reasons and submit them together with any supporting evidence in writing to the Director, Student Support Services or the designated administrator or the Head of Department. The Director of Student Support Services or the designated Head of Department will inform the student of the outcome of their challenge within ten working days of receiving it.


1. Key principles in dealing with student complaints
The key principles underpinning this Policy, which are based on principles of natural justice, are that: a) The College will act fairly and reasonably in all circumstances; b) The College will follow
its own procedures in all circumstances, except where reasonable amendments are necessary, provided they do not cause prejudice to the parties and continue to result in a fair process; c) Decisions will be taken on the balance of probabilities; d) Complainants will not suffer any disadvantage or recrimination as the result of making a complaint in good faith.

2. Authority for action under this Policy and Procedure

a) The Director, Student Support Services, is the responsible authority for the administration of this policy for students to raise legitimate issues of complaint. Any changes to this Policy and Procedure shall be approved by the Health and Beauty Canadian College Team, and through the sponsorship of the Vice President, Student Services.

b) At each stage of the Procedure, the person to whom a complaint has been referred shall, if it is upheld, apply such appropriate remedies as are within their powers. If they consider that the remedy is outside their powers, they shall refer the matter to the appropriate authority.

3. Rights, entitlements and responsibilities under this Policy

a) Under this Policy, and in line with the Student Rights and Responsibilities within the Student Conduct Policy, and other Health and Beauty Canadian College policies, the College acknowledges the rights of students and sets out expectations of how students will interact with the Complaints Procedure as follows:

(i) Students will be treated fairly and consistently within
the Procedure under this Policy;

(ii) Students will not suffer any disadvantage or recrimination as
the result of making a complaint in good faith;

(iii) Students are expected not to make any complaint frivolously, vexatiously or with malice. Where a complaint is adjudged to be made frivolously, vexatiously or with malice, disciplinary action may be taken against the complainant;

(iv) The College understands that students who are dissatisfied may be experiencing frustration or stress but considers that students may be expected to engage with the Procedure in a polite, courteous and prompt manner and may expect this to be reciprocated by those;

(v) Handling
their complaint. The College may request that a student revises and resubmits a communication under the Procedure where the tone or language used is deemed inappropriate;

(vi) Students are expected to submit complaints, within the timeline(s) and procedures indicated in this policy. However, they may expect the College to exercise its discretion to extend the timelines where there is good reason, supported by evidence, when a student has not been able to submit a complaint within the timeline. Under certain circumstances, depending on the complexity of the complaint, it may be necessary for the College to amend the timelines and
procedures. All such amendments will be available to the College without recourse by the student(s) or employee(s), provided they do not cause prejudice to the parties and continue to result in a fair process.

(vii) Students are expected to be reasonable and realistic in any request
for remedy or redress;

(viii) Students may expect to receive responses to complaints within the
timelines indicated within the Procedure or else to be informed of any reasons why this is not possible, with an indication of the proposed amended timeline for a response;

(ix) Students are
expected to provide, at the time of submission of their complaint, all relevant documentation or other evidence and details of all issues which they wish to be taken into consideration. However, complaints will not be rejected solely on the grounds of minor procedural deficiencies on the part of the student;

(x) Students may expect complaints to be dealt with confidentially and that their privacy will be respected. However, it may be necessary to disclose information to
others in order to deal with the complaint and in these circumstances the parties concerned will be informed of such disclosure;

(xi) Where a student is invited to attend a face-to-face meeting, they shall be entitled to be accompanied in accordance with provision set out within this Procedure;

(xii) Where a complaint is found to be justified, students may expect the College to take such action or provide such remedy as may be appropriate and to do so promptly;

(xiii) Where a complaint is found not to be justified, students may expect to be informed in writing of the reasons for that decision and to be informed of any further rights to request a review of the decision. b) Under this Policy, the College acknowledges the rights of staff/faculty and sets out expectations of how staff/faculty will interact with the Complaints Procedure as follows:

(i) Staff/faculty are expected to engage with the Procedure in a polite, courteous and prompt manner and may expect this to be reciprocated by the students making the complaint and by colleagues investigating the complaint;

(ii) Staff/faculty may expect complaints made about them by students to be dealt with confidentially and that their privacy will be respected. However, it may be necessary to disclose information to others in order to deal with the
complaint and/or to take appropriate;

(iii) actions in relation to the outcome of the complaint and in these circumstances the parties concerned will be informed of such disclosure;

(iv) Where staff/faculty are invited to attend a face-to-face meeting as part of a complaint investigation, they shall be entitled to be accompanied in accordance with provision set out within this Procedure; (v) Staff acting as investigators for complaints can expect co-operation in a polite, courteous and prompt manner from colleagues from whom information relating to the complaint is requested.
Reporting and recording of complaints a) Where a complaint is upheld and action is required, a record of the action taken shall be kept with the complaint documentation. Where recommendations for changes to policies or procedures are made as the result of a complaint, a record of consideration of those recommendations and any action taken shall be kept with the complaint
documentation. Heads of academic departments, and non-academic departments will monitor complaints which have been referred to them and will be responsible for
implementing, or recommending to the appropriate authority, changes to systems or
procedures suggested by the nature and pattern of the complaints received. The
outcome of such monitoring may also be used to inform other processes or activities.
Complaints Procedure: General Principles

a) Anonymous complaints will not be dealt with under this Procedure. If a member of staff receives an anonymous complaint, they will be expected to seek advice from their line manager as to how the complaint should be dealt with.

b) Where a complaint is made by a group of students, one student should be clearly nominated as the main point ofcontact for those handling the complaint. Findings and decisions should, however, be provided to each member of the group of students.

c) Formal complaints should be submitted using the designated complaint submission form. Where a complaint is submitted without the designated form being completed or not completed in full, the College reserves the right not to consider the complaint until the designated form has been properly completed and submitted.

d) Students are expected to provide at the time of submission of their complaint, all relevant documentation or other evidence and details of all issues which they wish to be taken into consideration. Where this is not possible for good reason, students are expected to indicate what documentation or evidence is to follow. The person receiving the complaint (‘the administrator’) shall be entitled to impose a reasonable deadline by which this further information should be provided by the student. The timeline for consideration of the complaint will be halted whilst the provision of further information is anticipated. Unless there proves to be good reason why the student cannot then meet that deadline, the administrator may then proceed to consider the complaint once that deadline has passed, even if the further information has not been provided.

e) Where the investigator believes that there is additional information which the student has not provided which is pertinent to the consideration of the complaint and which cannot readily be gathered from other sources, they may request that the student submits it and set a reasonable

f) Deadline normally no more than 5 calendar days from its submission. The timeline for consideration of the complaint will be halted whilst the provision of that further information is anticipated. Unless there proves to be good reason why the student cannot then meet that deadline, the administrator may then proceed to consider the complaint once that deadline has passed, even if the further information has not been provided.

g) Where, unsolicited, a student provides additional documentation or evidence after consideration of a complaint has commenced, the administrator shall determine whether there is sufficient time within the timescale set for their responseto the complaint in which to consider this additional information and, if not, shall inform the student of any necessary and reasonable adjustment to the deadline for their response.

h) Timelines for the College’s responses to complaints, as set out in the procedures within the policy, are those to which the College expects normally to be able to adhere. It is anticipated, however, that there may be occasions when it is not feasible for a full and thorough investigation to be carried out within those normal timescales and when a longer period of time is therefore required. These may include, but are not restricted to: • Periods when the College is closed (e.g. Statutory Holidays and the Christmas/New Year period); • Periods when key staff are absent from the College due to work commitments, scheduled or unscheduled leave, sickness or other good reason; • Particularly complex issues of complaint; • Issues of complaint which are related to other on-going procedures which may need to be completed before the
complaint can be fully addressed (e.g. disciplinary matters, legal proceedings). • Where it is apparent that the stated deadlines cannot be met, the student will be informed at the earliest opportunity at which an indication of the revised deadline for response and the reasons for the delay can be given.

i) College employees will handle complaints with an appropriate level of confidentiality, and release information only to those who need it for the purposes of investigating or responding to it.

j) Details of any complaint about another student or member of staff will be shared with them, so that they can respond to any allegations made against them.

k) Anyone making a complaint is expected to maintain confidentiality and avoid publishing to third parties, either on social media or by other means, any correspondence about the complaint between the complainant and the College or any other College correspondence which is part of the complaint.

l) As appropriate, the College will share the details of the complaint outcome with the relevant School/ department.

This form is for submitting a complaint for formal resolution by the College. It should only be submitted after a person has attempted to informally resolve their complaint; or where informal resolution is not possible or appropriate.

This form must be submitted to the designated College Official, Manager / Academic Chair or Manager / Dean / Director by email or in person at the designated office.
A Informal resolution Choose the relevant option and provide more information below.

☐ I have not been able to resolve my complaint informally

☐ I have not attempted to resolve my complaint informally because I believe my complaint raises a serious matter suitable for formal resolution; and/or I have valid reasons for not attempting informal resolution

B Contact information

Are you submitting this complaint on behalf of someone else?

If no, complete Section 1 only.

If yes,
complete both sections, placing your details in Section 1.

If you are submitting a complaint on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their written consent for you to act on their behalf.

Section 1

☐ Student

☐ Staff

☐ Faculty

☐ Other

☐ Student

☐ Staff

☐ Faculty

☐ Other

ID: Title:

Surname: Surname:
First name: First name:
Street: Street:
City: Postcode: City: Postcode:
Tel: Tel:
Email: Email:

C Respondent details (if applicable)
If your complaint is against a person, please complete the applicable fields below, if known.
☐ A student

☐ A faculty member
☐ A staff member
☐ Other, please specify

Surname: First name:

D Complaint category
☐ General Administration ☐ Corporate Governance (how and what we do)
☐ Facilities Management (facilities/grounds/resources) ☐ Education Provision (teaching/supervision)
☐ Student Services (service/non-academic matters) ☐ Other (please specify)
☐ Conduct (conduct of staff/students/faculty members) ☐ Not sure

E Complaint details
Provide a summary of your complaint below. Include details such as the location, date, and time, names of any people or areas of the College involved. Please indicate if you have provided additional documentation.
☐ I have attached documents that provide additional details
☐ I have not attached documents that provide additional details

F Outcomes sought
State the outcomes you are seeking from the complaint process, e.g. an apology from the respondent, a change of decision, etc.

G Other (optional)
Please provide any additional information that may assist the College to resolve your complaint.

H Complainant declaration
In submitting this complaint, I confirm that:
☐ The information I have provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge;
☐ I intend to cooperate in good faith, act in accordance with the Health and Beauty Canadian College core values, and Student Conduct Policy or Employee Code of Conduct, respect confidentiality of the process and immediately disclose any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest to the College Official, Manager / Academic Chair or Manager / Dean / Director for the complaint as part of my involvement in the complaint process; and

☐ I understand that the information I provide will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to a third party unless required.

Student complaint resolution This form is for submitting an appeal of a complaint outcome under section 3 of the Student Complaint Policy. An appeal may only be submitted after a person has attempted to resolve their complaint under Stage 2 – Formal Resolution.

This form must be submitted within 10 College working days of the Stage 2 outcome to the complaint. It may be submitted to the designated College Official, Manager / Academic Chair or Manager / Dean / Director by email or in person at the designated office.

A Complaint and contact information
Provide complaint information and updated contact information for the appeal process if different than Stage 2 Date of Stage 2 outcome:

ID: Title:
Surname: First name:
City: Postcode:
Tel: Email:
B Appeal ground(s)

Select one or more of the following grounds (as required by the Policy) and provide more information below. That:

☐ the complaint process was procedurally irregular or unfair
☐ new information is available that could not reasonably have been provided at the time of the complaint process and, that in all likelihood, would have affected the complaint outcome.
☐ the Stage 2 complaint outcome was not fair or reasonable


C Other Advise any other information that may assist the College to more appropriately consider your appeal

D Appellant declaration
In submitting this appeal, I confirm that:
☐ the information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge;
☐ I intend to cooperate in good faith, act in accordance with the Health and Beauty Canadian College core values, and Student Conduct Policy or Employee Code of Conduct, respect confidentiality of the process and immediately disclose any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest to the College Official, Manager / Academic Chair or Manager / Dean / Director for the complaint as part of my involvement in the complaint process; and

☐ I understand that the information I provide.
Complaint Report Form File #:

If you have any questions about this form, contact the Office of Student 416-9174747 or email

A: To be completed by complainant
Complainant’s name: Student ID (if applicable):
Name of individual/policy that is the subject of this complaint:
Type of complaint: Date, time, location of incident (if applicable):
Health and Beauty Canadian College

o Individual 
o Procedure or Policy
o Decision of a hearing panel
o Other:
_________________________ __________________________________
Describe the complaint:
Attach a typed or handwritten description of your complaint to this form. In this description, include
any steps you have taken to resolve the issue to date. Attach any supporting documents (emails,
names of witnesses, etc.) as necessary.
Describe the resolution you are seeking:


The personal information collected on this form is used for the administration associated with the investigation and adjudication of complaints. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection and use of the personal information can be directed the Office of Student Judicial Affairs, unit 245,7163 Yonge St, Thornhill, ON T3H 0A9, 4169174747. B: To be completed by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs Related incident number (if applicable): Does this grievance meet criteria to go forward? o Yes o No File forwarded for review to (provide name): o Program Chair